Rip off Mystery Nature Tana Toraja
Ancient tradition in Tana Toraja is still awake. Main attraction for tourists
Tana Toraja is full of mystery. Every beat of life in Toraja meaningful. No wonder, many people want to come to uncover the mysteries of nature and life there. The word "Toraja" meaningful generous person. This means that the Toraja people always mendahulukn sacrifice than luxury. The style of this togetherness, until now still embedded in them. From birth to death to pick up, Toraja people still glorify the sense of togetherness.
Although modernization ready grinding, Toraja people still maintain strong ancestral heritage. Color natural life is still visible when we come to Tana Toraja (Tator). Mengijau gorge lay primadani tub area with the background hills stand firm. This atmosphere makes life there seemed more beautiful. Tator trips to be made at any time, as in the year-end holidays. More and has a lot of time, we will be more familiar with the traditional life of the community Tator. Tator resort is located in Tanah Toraja a thousand cities in Makale. From Makassar is about 400 kilometers.
However, transportation is relatively easy to Tator. If the journey starts from Hasanuddin airport, Makassar. We can use a taxi or rental car. The rent ranges between Rp 900,000 to Rp 1.500.000 per day. If you want to reduce costs and have a long time, we can ride out of town transportation which stops every district. For to Tator, We also can use the ship. We can be anchored in Pare - Pare (about 175 miles from Tator) or Port Palopo (about 60 miles from Tator). In both places it is available on public transport. Or, we can rent a car with a tariff Rp 500,000 to Rp 850,000 per day. Although have to travel for hours - hours, we will be treated to beautiful scenery. Not feel the time will fly by.
When he returned to earth Tator, we can direct towards the City Rantepao. Jasmine hotel lodging and cost Rp 150,000 - Rp 350,000 per night is complete. While five-star hotels range from Rp 500,000 to 1,500,000 permalam. From Rantepao, visitors can plan his trip. Various tours can be enjoyed serving. Ranging from traditional villages Tator, ancient tombs, until serving beautiful natural attractions.
Many of the ancient settlement can stop off. Dudsun bleak Kete ', about 5 kilometers from Rantepao, can still be seen intact ancient village life. According Parabak, tour guide from Rantepao, age hamlet Kete 'estimated one thousand years. Some penghuninyamasih have blood relations. House - the house was customary diperkampungan (Tangkonan), until now still standing strong. Tator traditional house has a typical and appropriate their lives. Custom house respectable citizens standing buffalo head with horns in front dijajar. Engraving - engraving typical Toraja, the small print with the dominant warn of red, yellow, black and add authority itu.Didepan house is usually built barn house or small building to store rice.
Kete villages' is still original. Here are the most unique and interesting, which is hanging graves. The bodies are stored in boxes and digangtung didinding - walls of hills. But, now also built a permanent cemetery and oval-shaped concrete (Patane). This tomb, unlike the wooden crate, of course not easily affected by rain rotted.
At Tator we can find a lot of funerals. Like eating in the village of Londa old who is still in use, the corpse placed on the Mount - a steep hill. For those who bleed digolekan dilereng royalty on the hillside above the most difficult to reach. Burial on a hillside was intended to make the goods - items such as jewelry mewa not stolen. And, the threat of punishment for thieves dead property severe. The man was a slave forever, or were expelled from the village.
The scene in the ancient necropolis in Tator is amazing and makes horror for an unusual look at the human skeleton. Ritual life is still attached to the Tator. Ritual ceremony which is costly burial procession. Royal-blooded citizens must meet several persyratan and through a special procession. Funeral nets that is the attraction of tourists. In addition, indigenous peoples, especially Todolo Aluk faiths, believing that the spirits of the dead would be taking place called Puya. The resort was led by Ponglalondongna, which will ask how a funeral where the dead person who will go puya. Therefore, every burial is always through the full ceremony including cutting tens of buffalos.
One of the most interesting of the burial process is now carried out a buffalo fights. Direct lost buffalo in TEBAS. But, because of the magical, sometimes encountered buffalo remained alive even without a head. When this happens, the shaman will cast a spell to request that the ceremony was not to be disturbed, because there are few people bother because not involved.