Rows of hills that enclose the valley. The water is bluish-green lake lay on one side. Two natural fortress that protect people from hundreds of years ago. A piece of beauty in the land known as the Batak Bakara. Bakara is a wide flat valley stretches hundreds of hectares. A village full of fascination with nature and cultural tourism is famous to another country. Administrative regions in Sub Baktiraja, Humbang Hasundutan, North Sumatra. Valley, a distance of dozens of kilometers from Dolok Sanggul consists of several villages and hamlets. Split by two major rivers rushing water. The biggest river is the dominant cross Aek sourced from a waterfall that poured from the stretch of hills. The second river named Aek smaller Simangira. Both runs through several villages and tributaries of the Lake Toba. Uniquely, the two rivers is easily recognizable from the color of water in sight. Aek Cross watery reddish brown. Colors that are biased from the river and landed brown clay lelumut kecolkatan. While the color tends Simangira Aek white, because the sandy bottom covered rocks of times. Both rivers are the main water sources for bathing needs, washing, and toilet in the whole valley residents Bakara. But there are also many homes that use wells and ground water as drinking water providers. Relief hills, rivers, and the expanse of Lake Toba offers beautiful nature in the beautiful valley of Bakara. There are many alternative places with stunning landscape views can be enjoyed from here. Panorama Nature Temperatures in the valley Bakara relatively cold and cool throughout the day, with many springs scattered (nausea). The main spring is the largest Sitio Aek-tio. Exact location on the riverbank. Natural bathing place that was once a small pond that comes from springs "eternal" in shade of a large tree type hariara (a type of banyan) in which the water was never dirty. Throughout the year is always clean, clear, and cold. Location has now become the main water source for the needs of local people for drinking and bathing. Clarity and coolness Sitio Aek-tio always "called" visitors to soak in there. Loss it would not try the lake that used to be a favorite resting place of the Dutch colonial army. Besides the lake, in Bakara also many waterfalls found. Almost every corner of the waterfall lies large and small. Everything has its own peculiarities. However, most known as a tourist attraction is Sipangolu Aek. Aek waterfall Sipangolu is believed to be the holy water that contains the basic elements of life nurses. Residents around a long time ago believed that water could be a "medicine" for many needs. The visitors who want to enjoy the coolness of this waterfall, there are public baths. Source water flows directly from Sipangolu Aek. Or who wants to bring back the water, fine. There jerry cans provided at the location of these waterfalls, especially for visitors who want to bring water Aek Sipangolu as souvenirs. From the edge of this waterfall flow, we could eat toba lake view from the other side. Or can also relax over a cup of coffee or tea from a simple shop run by local residents. Cultural Tourism Bakara valley is fertile and promising a good harvest to plant rice, onion, and pulses. Bakara Valley had always been known even to the famous Holland, as the valley of the store charge exotic history and culture. Bakara itself is a center of government Sisingamangaraja I - XII, precisely in Lumbanraja Village. Since this Sisingamangaraja administration, customs and culture of the Batak thickens because the charismatic king propagating goodness and virtue that stems from Batak customs. Sisingamangaraja be an example and role model Batak kings around him. That he regarded as the king of all kings in the field of morals. Sisingamangaraja royal palace complex in Lumbanraja, which consists of a row of four Ruma Bolon can still be seen up to now. In December last year, the renovation project is completed Sisingamangaraja sites do. 2005 budget projects which started since 26 September 2005 it was renovated over three rows of the main palace building. Berkalali renovated buildings, dozens of times since last year, is no longer the original building. Udah original building burned down during raging Batak War (1877 - 1907) against the Dutch colonial army. Later on in the palace complex right in the front yard line of Ruma Bolon, there are grave sembuah rectangular building made of cement that has Batak ornaments, carvings Sisingamangaraja royal flag, seal (stamp) Sisingamangaraja, and an inscription beraksara Toba Batak. Then at the complex just outside the dipagar around with stones and iron, can still be found a unique site. His name is Stone Siungkap-ungkapon. Website stone diameter of 80 cm was supposedly once used in rituals to predict and predict the things that is very important, especially in agriculture. Visiting Bakara, you not only enjoy the natural beauty bia, cool air, and the original village atmosphere, but also can see the historical sites is important in the history of Batak kingdom against the Dutch colonial past. (Evin Bakara) *