Sunday, October 18, 2009
Parapat (SIB) There were typical of the Church building HKBP Parapat, Parapat Resort, East Sumatra District, compared with other churches of ornament European semi-Batak. Joint European-style ornaments and ornaments Batak style. That's why this church is the most magnificent churches in North Sumatra. It said the Church Development Committee Chairman HKBP Parapat, Ancient Mansur SE, while talking with SIB, Thursday (8 / 10) in Parapat. According to him, the European semi-ornaments are designed Batak voluntarily by a Batak architecture Sahala Simanjuntak Ir. Next say, Gorga implement Batak ornaments and the stairs Alpha Omega (AO) was also made in accordance with European and semi ornaments on the stairs there is also patio AO depicting Trinity (God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit), passing this terrace as custom house Karo but actually describes the Trinity of God. On the inside that makes the difference with the other church is the seat Servants of the Church is higher than the seat of the congregation. This illustrates that the level of faith Servant more "holy" (height) of the church, he said. Mansur further reported that the church building was previously located in the town of Parapat Sipiak (near Parapat Hotel is now), but in 1906 moved to Dolok Jalan Bukit Barisan Pangulu of District Three Kings, Parapat until now. In 1934 a ½ concrete repair and in 1974 became more permanent structures although the main pillars are still using wooden beams, because technically it is very worrying pole in 2001 then returned to rehab current form. Parapat HKBP Church is situated on an area of 1 ha in size 22 M x 29 M and to complete the committee has conducted 5 times a party in accordance with its development of 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2008. With the completion of this building the congregation numbering Parapat HKBP with member of 1000 couples divided by the service 3 times every Sunday (morning, afternoon and evening) with a comfortable and solemn, he said. For the next party, said Mansur, was no longer the party building but 106 years Jubilee party and a party that combined with the inauguration of the party the laying down stone foundation(MBO) which is currently being planned and prepared the committee. When asked the purpose and objectives of the church building is magnificent in North Sumatra, Mansur is also Member of Parliament Simalungun 2009-2014 period this Democrat said to actualize the love of the Church as the temple of God and cultivate faith people to the Lord Jesus Christ and to develop The church functions as a center of various types of activities related to spirituality and concern among others. While the Vision and Mission by Mansur is to make the Church as a pastoral center in the real sense as well as the actual services center. The church is also preparing a training facility for the community, implement and existence of the Church as a youth development center. Fund 2,5 Billion Answering questions the amount of funds spent, Mansur said to finish building this Parapat HKBP Church has spent Rp 2.5 billion fund. These funds come from the community Parapat HKBP 70%, children's participation Overseas funds 20% and 10% of sympathizers. All of our congregation involved a donor according to his ability, he said, calling that the funds from the community may vary between 10 thousand to 10 million rupiah. End of discussion, the Chairman-friendly development and mix in the midst of this community say that the recipe of success and the smooth development of this Parapat HKBP Church is openness (transparency) so that the committee believed by the church. Party development in what we do, every single hour in the amount of money we are announcing that the party ended when the dollar amount of already known by the congregation, so do not wait for weeks, but that day the church had been informed that the money went. Similarly, spending about Mansur said, it must exposed and announced, such as purchasing building materials to the committee told the congregation from which purchased, how much, from where the shop, address and phone number so the congregation can store check and find out. This is the key to successful development Parapat HKBP Church. (S9/HS)
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