After World War II, the Communist Party in China to pressure on believers in the country's Lutheran, however, in another State, the Lutheran ranks in a place like Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea and Indonesia especially in the spread of Lutheran dubbed as "A strong, largely Lutheran 'younger church' in Sumatra is the Batak Protestant Christian Church ", this is the writing legible to me in 1983 in the Encyclopedia Americana 1980:17-866. After reading it, in my mind crossed famously HKBP how that even in those days was called a "youth church" but the world has acknowledged that his presence was so strong and big in the Sumatra region.
Frankly as a member of my congregation HKBP really proud of these writings. Even today HKBP no longer exist only in Sumatra but have spread throughout the archipelago beloved land. In the nineties HKBP was 'go-international', so is not wrong if Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid to release in a speech at the National Conference HKBP I, 2000 in JCC Jakarta, he said in Indonesia only there are 3 (three) large Social Organization, the first is the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah second and the third was HKBP. He also added as jokingly (though in reality this) he said do not see HKBP a small social organization they have great asset everywhere in Indonesia.
By the second statement I tried flashback about two very important events first is the day of born HKBP 148 years ago October 7, 1861, and the second is HKBP became an independent church from 10-11 July 1940. Conscious or not, these two events is a historical fact that God declared amid HKBP life and existence in this world, so it is not redundant if the two events would never lost from memory but will always color the life anytime and anywhere. The reason, HKBP presence has lifted the lives of all HKBP and including those who are in the environment of a broad expanse of mud above the solid rock, that's a fact that will never be forgotten from HKBP life and Batak people in general.
At the beginning of this XXI century, which we call proper post-modern and will have already addressed the various challenges that each Individual, Group, Organization Political, Religious Organizations, Churches, etc., and it felt very varied and of course that the character, classification and weight each of the challenges that will follow the rhythm of treatment sharp global competition through the development and implementation of science and technology at the time. Because of, as one entity, an independent social organization, what ourselves HKBP have to prepare for the facing challenges and also need to be remembered, that will be questioned by each of the HKBP is not the age or years of independence HKBP, or the number of member HKBP and greatness HKBP.
Greeting or a question to be ejected is the "extent" HKBP was prepared to develop the history of 145 years ago and the obligations and responsibilities that must be shouldered how HKBP as Independent Church 66 years ago, I saw that the content of questions and demands that must be answered without bargaining, of course, how will HKBP could exist and survive" in the era of this millennium-3.
Vision-Mission as a Church HKBP an inclusive, dialogical, open, high-quality (meaning a very deep) and realize the Vision-Mission HKBP we need to look back whether 'platform' which we already have now been located in the right position, if not HKBP be important to make "adjustment". Reading what has been running especially after the implementation AP-HKBP-2002, there are some things that need urgent attention to re-evaluate in order to take a more appropriate solution.
Through Synod 2004, according to the AP-HKBP the new leader has been selected namely Ephorus, Secretary General, Head of the Department of Koinonia, Marturia Department Head, Head of the Department of Diakonia, including 26 Praeses and since then the leadership ranks HKBP already working in accordance ' job 'respectively. In line with the AP-HKBP, the new HKBP respective district, ressort, and Huria new board election was conducted well, but felt or not felt, I have seen there are 3 (three) important things to get attention:
(1) With the new organization according to AP-HKBP chapter 26-4.3, 173 pages bhs Indonesia, there clearly express and implied that control the current HKBP will only be fully determined by 5 (five) persons who called the Leadership HKBP, thus each policy or strategic decisions in HKBP fairly determined by 5 (five) persons only, or even by 3 (three) persons in case of 'voting' in LEADERS MEETING (notes Synod held only once every four years or at the end of the period of the Chairman HKBP ) means Synod serve only listen the Progress Report by the Honest Leadership and comment on it, then do HKBP leadership elections next period. When in the mechanism of strategic policy-making process will only be determined and decided by 5 (five) or even 3 (three) people who have HKBP congregation nearly 3.5 million people, it's such conditions would be placed HKBP later be in a position 'high -risk ', because in reality there is no more' check and balance 'as played by the Central Council before. As a general picture which we all know, in a company that only has the number of members / employees over 50 people only, there (in organization) no longer have the element but the Board of Directors will be equipped with the Board of Commissioners, the reason is that travel companies can be controlled and continuously controlled by the company's goals. Seeing this condition, the position of the Central Council of the Synod 2004 (AP-new HKBP) officially abolished, it is important to re-held in HKBP Organizational Structure. (2) With the new organization structure, I read that the central administrative and operational secretarial HKBP no longer exists at the Secretariat General, as before, but each Ministry (Koinonia, Marturia, Diakonia) will form his own Sekretariatan, this may complicate future HKBP particularly strategic documents HKBP (original documents) will be scattered and no one in charge. Because of this condition also requires HKBP back to the old organization and the Secretary General of Ephorus with the Central Council in a position 'central board' and the Ministry of Koinonia, Marturia, and Diakonia in the operational position. (3) The Organization Structure (new), the position or positions Huria Teachers no longer exist (the task is handled directly by Uluan Huria), this condition reminds me of a teacher before Huria functioning almost as a "general affairs manager 'but now This is all have to be paid solely by ULUAN Huria (whether it was a pastor or not), what it all means 'in the system HKBP services' has been a real shift was not needed, the task should be centralized Pastor of the ministry, has become focused on services and general administrative nature, it also provides an important indication that HKBP Huria Teacher position we have now returned to their duties and responsibilities as before. 2. TASK LEADER (JOBDES) Task Leader HKBP from Ephorus, Secretary General, Ministry of Koinonia, the Department and the Department Marturia Diakonia was clearly explained (AP-10 Bindu HKBP Article 11, Article 12, Article 13, Article 14 and Article 15), but at the Meeting HKBP (according to AP-HKBP chapter 26-4.3, 173 pages bhs Indonesia) stated there is a strategic task 14 according to my observation that barely have a relationship with the primary task of leadership HKBP (Ephorus, Secretary General, Head of the Department of Koinonia, Head of Department Marturia, Head of the Department Diakonia) below is a description HKBP Meeting with the task or LEADER MEETING AGENDA as follows: 1) To discuss and plan efforts to implement the tasks of management 2) Thinking and determine the formation of the bureaus, sections, and foundations in accordance with their needs. 3) To discuss and implement suggestions from the Great Synod, Synod Assembly Worker, HKBP Audit Agency, and Agency for Research Development HKBP 4) Discuss and determine the mutation maid service and full-time in HKBP 5) Talking about the preparations for the Great Synod, Synod Assembly Worker, Praeses Meetings, and Meeting Pastor. 6) Select and assign Organizer Board of Education administrators HKBP accordance with the Basic Education Policy HKBP. 7) Selecting members of the Audit Board HKBP, members HKBP Enterprises, and members of the commission. 8) Select the General Treasurer HKBP 9) Selects Head of Research and Development HKBP 10) Leading and Running a general attitude HKBP set by the Synod General Synod and Assembly Workers 11) To consider and give permission to the ministry full-time maid in HKBP to work outside HKBP, and sent his servants to serve HKBP in ecumenical agencies. 12) Watching the institutions of theological education in HKBP, and institutions of public education HKBP 13) To give consideration to improving education institutions HKBP 14) Establish a ministry of the Praeses. The question now is' sudahkah the MAIN AGENDA 14th Meeting of the Leaders HKBP have described the attachment as well as fore HKBP MAP SERVICE VISION-MISSION match it? "VISION" ... HKBP evolved into an inclusive church, dialogue, and OPEN, and able and vigorous development of quality of life in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, along with everyone else in the global community, especially the Christian community, for the glory of God the almighty Father. "MISSION" ... HKBP trying to improve the quality of all citizens, especially citizens HKBP, through church services of quality to be able to carry out the mandate of the Lord Jesus in all his conduct personal life, family life, and life with all human societies at the local level and national, regional and in facing global challenges the 21st century. if I may speak honestly, that the main task in the 14th Meeting HKBP as stipulated in the AP-HKBP not yet touched to what is contained in VISION-MISSION HKBP as an inclusive church, dialogue, openness and quality services. Why do I say "yet"? Because based on job description can be seen more than 57% energy and thought leaders will be depleted HKBP only to take care personnel (mutation, placement servants, jodes, etc.). Why this condition occurs and can only be found today, AP-HKBP whether we use these "before" had not been discussed, debated and discussed first in each ressort, District, Praeses, and in the Assembly Center? The answer is 'obviously already discussed, debated and discussed', and even in the highest meeting of the Synod GODANG HKBP through HKBP day Friday, October 4, 2002, AP-HKBP formally defined and approved, then what should the future or HKBP we do? AP-HKBP that although the implementation of the new January 1, 2004 amendment was necessary in order to achieve an inclusive church, dialogue, open and quality. Because, if we survive without a 'amendment AP-HKBP' then HKBP be farther from VISION-MISSION his own. 3. ENHANCING QUALITY OF SERVICE Talking about improving the quality of service we will carry over into a question "what is wrong with the quality of service in HKBP" may be the answer to this question will not be the same because each individual has a perception of different, from nearly 3.5 million members of the Church HKBP be divided into 4 (four) categories: (1) Group 'A' answer, the service was far HKBP declined from previous years, especially when compared with age-Nommensen. (2) Golongan ’B’ menjawab, sebenarnya pelayanan di HKBP akan semakin baik jika HKBP tidak monotone (3) Group 'C' answer, service in HKBP (Koinonia, Marturia, Diakonia) has worked well only to increase with the new breakthroughs are still adjusting to the order HKBP own (4) Group 'D' said, the growth of services in HKBP since 1861 till now shows significant progress, only the current problem (especially) in the big cities have many members HKBP following other services in Church membership, although still in HKBP Whatever is illustrated by the above four classes of service condition in HKBP today, surely we need sikapi carefully and honestly, therefore all have the same goal of how to HKBP increasingly providing "quality services". If "we" all want a quality service, it must be a church HKBP Inclusive, dialogue, Open. as stated in the Vision-Mission HKBP. Rev. Willem TP Simarmata, MA, Secretary-General stated in his writings HKBP HKBP realizing the Open and the dialogue is not a 'post biblical development', but an essential thing. Openness is not a church that is added later, but something inherent in itself. Essentially very clear, namely: God is open to any and all people. Therefore the church must be open to life, open to science and technology and open in the future. If the disclosure is (open to life, open to science and technology and open in the future), is a must for the church (HKBP), is certainly his servants (Pastor, Teacher Huria, Bibelvrow, deaconesses, Sintua, Evangelicals) should also become an open and dialogical. With an open attitude (can be seen and can see, acknowledge weaknesses, focused on talent-potential-power) and dialogue (discussion open, accommodating, willing-to change), it will be in HKBP terlahirlah servants (HR) quality in the field 'leadership', preaching ministry, the PA ministry, pastoral ministry, ministry of social deacon. Now the question is what is expressed in addition to the above (in relation to improving the quality of service) is there any other factors that have not thought of HKBP? I look at the history HKBP (universal), that HKBP attention to "human needs" to his servants is felt less, HKBP always look and stare will 'duties and responsibilities' of a Pastor, Teacher Huria, Bibelvrow, deaconesses who always had to do their job as appropriate (meaning: although 'udan-haba-haba "/ rain accompanied by a tornado a servant of God despite the lack of umbrellas had to leave to do their job), what would happen if skope HKBP still thinking that way? Will the quality of service can be a servant of God as 'salary' can only be received after passing a month? Or could it be God's servant to work, serve the maximum while the child was seriously ill and did not have the cost to treat? Or can HKBP requires dedication and high loyalty from a servant of God on his retirement while he only received Rp 200,000 - Rp 500,000 per month? What will be done HKBP on such conditions? HKBP think it's time to focus again how to level the waiter HKBP kesejahtraan can be reasonable. The question is whether this increase in welfare HKBP servants has not been touched by HKBP? Indeed, HKBP Endowment Fund program was run in HKBP since March 1, 2000 with SK No.286/L08/III/2000 HKBP Ephorus who then approved / ratified at Synod 2000 GODANG HKBP is intended to improve the waiter kesejahtraan HKBP, only the fact there, although this program still continues today, but the attention HKBP to run almost getting to sleep. Therefore while HKBP Program Endowment Fund was able to walk in place is a good idea of 'we' move again enter the respective Huria. More detailed explanation of the Endowment Fund Program HKBP we can read in the Almanac HKBP 2007 page 400. CLOSING "Therefore I believe you: What do you pray and ask, believe that you have received, then it shall be given unto you" (Mark 11: 24) Believe, that the release of all things in the kingdom of God. That's how we open the lines of the power of God. Most of us know about it. Therefore, the need to "we" note with that, makes the task of Inclusive Church, dialogue, open with a quality service is not light, but no matter how hard and complex task, as the Church of God there is no other way that the task must be shouldered, implemented and accounted for , "we" Believe that everything will be fulfilled through the Holy Spirit and the inclusion of Faithful Love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Frankly as a member of my congregation HKBP really proud of these writings. Even today HKBP no longer exist only in Sumatra but have spread throughout the archipelago beloved land. In the nineties HKBP was 'go-international', so is not wrong if Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid to release in a speech at the National Conference HKBP I, 2000 in JCC Jakarta, he said in Indonesia only there are 3 (three) large Social Organization, the first is the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah second and the third was HKBP. He also added as jokingly (though in reality this) he said do not see HKBP a small social organization they have great asset everywhere in Indonesia.
By the second statement I tried flashback about two very important events first is the day of born HKBP 148 years ago October 7, 1861, and the second is HKBP became an independent church from 10-11 July 1940. Conscious or not, these two events is a historical fact that God declared amid HKBP life and existence in this world, so it is not redundant if the two events would never lost from memory but will always color the life anytime and anywhere. The reason, HKBP presence has lifted the lives of all HKBP and including those who are in the environment of a broad expanse of mud above the solid rock, that's a fact that will never be forgotten from HKBP life and Batak people in general.
At the beginning of this XXI century, which we call proper post-modern and will have already addressed the various challenges that each Individual, Group, Organization Political, Religious Organizations, Churches, etc., and it felt very varied and of course that the character, classification and weight each of the challenges that will follow the rhythm of treatment sharp global competition through the development and implementation of science and technology at the time. Because of, as one entity, an independent social organization, what ourselves HKBP have to prepare for the facing challenges and also need to be remembered, that will be questioned by each of the HKBP is not the age or years of independence HKBP, or the number of member HKBP and greatness HKBP.
Greeting or a question to be ejected is the "extent" HKBP was prepared to develop the history of 145 years ago and the obligations and responsibilities that must be shouldered how HKBP as Independent Church 66 years ago, I saw that the content of questions and demands that must be answered without bargaining, of course, how will HKBP could exist and survive" in the era of this millennium-3.
Vision-Mission as a Church HKBP an inclusive, dialogical, open, high-quality (meaning a very deep) and realize the Vision-Mission HKBP we need to look back whether 'platform' which we already have now been located in the right position, if not HKBP be important to make "adjustment". Reading what has been running especially after the implementation AP-HKBP-2002, there are some things that need urgent attention to re-evaluate in order to take a more appropriate solution.
Through Synod 2004, according to the AP-HKBP the new leader has been selected namely Ephorus, Secretary General, Head of the Department of Koinonia, Marturia Department Head, Head of the Department of Diakonia, including 26 Praeses and since then the leadership ranks HKBP already working in accordance ' job 'respectively. In line with the AP-HKBP, the new HKBP respective district, ressort, and Huria new board election was conducted well, but felt or not felt, I have seen there are 3 (three) important things to get attention:
(1) With the new organization according to AP-HKBP chapter 26-4.3, 173 pages bhs Indonesia, there clearly express and implied that control the current HKBP will only be fully determined by 5 (five) persons who called the Leadership HKBP, thus each policy or strategic decisions in HKBP fairly determined by 5 (five) persons only, or even by 3 (three) persons in case of 'voting' in LEADERS MEETING (notes Synod held only once every four years or at the end of the period of the Chairman HKBP ) means Synod serve only listen the Progress Report by the Honest Leadership and comment on it, then do HKBP leadership elections next period. When in the mechanism of strategic policy-making process will only be determined and decided by 5 (five) or even 3 (three) people who have HKBP congregation nearly 3.5 million people, it's such conditions would be placed HKBP later be in a position 'high -risk ', because in reality there is no more' check and balance 'as played by the Central Council before. As a general picture which we all know, in a company that only has the number of members / employees over 50 people only, there (in organization) no longer have the element but the Board of Directors will be equipped with the Board of Commissioners, the reason is that travel companies can be controlled and continuously controlled by the company's goals. Seeing this condition, the position of the Central Council of the Synod 2004 (AP-new HKBP) officially abolished, it is important to re-held in HKBP Organizational Structure. (2) With the new organization structure, I read that the central administrative and operational secretarial HKBP no longer exists at the Secretariat General, as before, but each Ministry (Koinonia, Marturia, Diakonia) will form his own Sekretariatan, this may complicate future HKBP particularly strategic documents HKBP (original documents) will be scattered and no one in charge. Because of this condition also requires HKBP back to the old organization and the Secretary General of Ephorus with the Central Council in a position 'central board' and the Ministry of Koinonia, Marturia, and Diakonia in the operational position. (3) The Organization Structure (new), the position or positions Huria Teachers no longer exist (the task is handled directly by Uluan Huria), this condition reminds me of a teacher before Huria functioning almost as a "general affairs manager 'but now This is all have to be paid solely by ULUAN Huria (whether it was a pastor or not), what it all means 'in the system HKBP services' has been a real shift was not needed, the task should be centralized Pastor of the ministry, has become focused on services and general administrative nature, it also provides an important indication that HKBP Huria Teacher position we have now returned to their duties and responsibilities as before. 2. TASK LEADER (JOBDES) Task Leader HKBP from Ephorus, Secretary General, Ministry of Koinonia, the Department and the Department Marturia Diakonia was clearly explained (AP-10 Bindu HKBP Article 11, Article 12, Article 13, Article 14 and Article 15), but at the Meeting HKBP (according to AP-HKBP chapter 26-4.3, 173 pages bhs Indonesia) stated there is a strategic task 14 according to my observation that barely have a relationship with the primary task of leadership HKBP (Ephorus, Secretary General, Head of the Department of Koinonia, Head of Department Marturia, Head of the Department Diakonia) below is a description HKBP Meeting with the task or LEADER MEETING AGENDA as follows: 1) To discuss and plan efforts to implement the tasks of management 2) Thinking and determine the formation of the bureaus, sections, and foundations in accordance with their needs. 3) To discuss and implement suggestions from the Great Synod, Synod Assembly Worker, HKBP Audit Agency, and Agency for Research Development HKBP 4) Discuss and determine the mutation maid service and full-time in HKBP 5) Talking about the preparations for the Great Synod, Synod Assembly Worker, Praeses Meetings, and Meeting Pastor. 6) Select and assign Organizer Board of Education administrators HKBP accordance with the Basic Education Policy HKBP. 7) Selecting members of the Audit Board HKBP, members HKBP Enterprises, and members of the commission. 8) Select the General Treasurer HKBP 9) Selects Head of Research and Development HKBP 10) Leading and Running a general attitude HKBP set by the Synod General Synod and Assembly Workers 11) To consider and give permission to the ministry full-time maid in HKBP to work outside HKBP, and sent his servants to serve HKBP in ecumenical agencies. 12) Watching the institutions of theological education in HKBP, and institutions of public education HKBP 13) To give consideration to improving education institutions HKBP 14) Establish a ministry of the Praeses. The question now is' sudahkah the MAIN AGENDA 14th Meeting of the Leaders HKBP have described the attachment as well as fore HKBP MAP SERVICE VISION-MISSION match it? "VISION" ... HKBP evolved into an inclusive church, dialogue, and OPEN, and able and vigorous development of quality of life in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, along with everyone else in the global community, especially the Christian community, for the glory of God the almighty Father. "MISSION" ... HKBP trying to improve the quality of all citizens, especially citizens HKBP, through church services of quality to be able to carry out the mandate of the Lord Jesus in all his conduct personal life, family life, and life with all human societies at the local level and national, regional and in facing global challenges the 21st century. if I may speak honestly, that the main task in the 14th Meeting HKBP as stipulated in the AP-HKBP not yet touched to what is contained in VISION-MISSION HKBP as an inclusive church, dialogue, openness and quality services. Why do I say "yet"? Because based on job description can be seen more than 57% energy and thought leaders will be depleted HKBP only to take care personnel (mutation, placement servants, jodes, etc.). Why this condition occurs and can only be found today, AP-HKBP whether we use these "before" had not been discussed, debated and discussed first in each ressort, District, Praeses, and in the Assembly Center? The answer is 'obviously already discussed, debated and discussed', and even in the highest meeting of the Synod GODANG HKBP through HKBP day Friday, October 4, 2002, AP-HKBP formally defined and approved, then what should the future or HKBP we do? AP-HKBP that although the implementation of the new January 1, 2004 amendment was necessary in order to achieve an inclusive church, dialogue, open and quality. Because, if we survive without a 'amendment AP-HKBP' then HKBP be farther from VISION-MISSION his own. 3. ENHANCING QUALITY OF SERVICE Talking about improving the quality of service we will carry over into a question "what is wrong with the quality of service in HKBP" may be the answer to this question will not be the same because each individual has a perception of different, from nearly 3.5 million members of the Church HKBP be divided into 4 (four) categories: (1) Group 'A' answer, the service was far HKBP declined from previous years, especially when compared with age-Nommensen. (2) Golongan ’B’ menjawab, sebenarnya pelayanan di HKBP akan semakin baik jika HKBP tidak monotone (3) Group 'C' answer, service in HKBP (Koinonia, Marturia, Diakonia) has worked well only to increase with the new breakthroughs are still adjusting to the order HKBP own (4) Group 'D' said, the growth of services in HKBP since 1861 till now shows significant progress, only the current problem (especially) in the big cities have many members HKBP following other services in Church membership, although still in HKBP Whatever is illustrated by the above four classes of service condition in HKBP today, surely we need sikapi carefully and honestly, therefore all have the same goal of how to HKBP increasingly providing "quality services". If "we" all want a quality service, it must be a church HKBP Inclusive, dialogue, Open. as stated in the Vision-Mission HKBP. Rev. Willem TP Simarmata, MA, Secretary-General stated in his writings HKBP HKBP realizing the Open and the dialogue is not a 'post biblical development', but an essential thing. Openness is not a church that is added later, but something inherent in itself. Essentially very clear, namely: God is open to any and all people. Therefore the church must be open to life, open to science and technology and open in the future. If the disclosure is (open to life, open to science and technology and open in the future), is a must for the church (HKBP), is certainly his servants (Pastor, Teacher Huria, Bibelvrow, deaconesses, Sintua, Evangelicals) should also become an open and dialogical. With an open attitude (can be seen and can see, acknowledge weaknesses, focused on talent-potential-power) and dialogue (discussion open, accommodating, willing-to change), it will be in HKBP terlahirlah servants (HR) quality in the field 'leadership', preaching ministry, the PA ministry, pastoral ministry, ministry of social deacon. Now the question is what is expressed in addition to the above (in relation to improving the quality of service) is there any other factors that have not thought of HKBP? I look at the history HKBP (universal), that HKBP attention to "human needs" to his servants is felt less, HKBP always look and stare will 'duties and responsibilities' of a Pastor, Teacher Huria, Bibelvrow, deaconesses who always had to do their job as appropriate (meaning: although 'udan-haba-haba "/ rain accompanied by a tornado a servant of God despite the lack of umbrellas had to leave to do their job), what would happen if skope HKBP still thinking that way? Will the quality of service can be a servant of God as 'salary' can only be received after passing a month? Or could it be God's servant to work, serve the maximum while the child was seriously ill and did not have the cost to treat? Or can HKBP requires dedication and high loyalty from a servant of God on his retirement while he only received Rp 200,000 - Rp 500,000 per month? What will be done HKBP on such conditions? HKBP think it's time to focus again how to level the waiter HKBP kesejahtraan can be reasonable. The question is whether this increase in welfare HKBP servants has not been touched by HKBP? Indeed, HKBP Endowment Fund program was run in HKBP since March 1, 2000 with SK No.286/L08/III/2000 HKBP Ephorus who then approved / ratified at Synod 2000 GODANG HKBP is intended to improve the waiter kesejahtraan HKBP, only the fact there, although this program still continues today, but the attention HKBP to run almost getting to sleep. Therefore while HKBP Program Endowment Fund was able to walk in place is a good idea of 'we' move again enter the respective Huria. More detailed explanation of the Endowment Fund Program HKBP we can read in the Almanac HKBP 2007 page 400. CLOSING "Therefore I believe you: What do you pray and ask, believe that you have received, then it shall be given unto you" (Mark 11: 24) Believe, that the release of all things in the kingdom of God. That's how we open the lines of the power of God. Most of us know about it. Therefore, the need to "we" note with that, makes the task of Inclusive Church, dialogue, open with a quality service is not light, but no matter how hard and complex task, as the Church of God there is no other way that the task must be shouldered, implemented and accounted for , "we" Believe that everything will be fulfilled through the Holy Spirit and the inclusion of Faithful Love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen