There are some cultures that I look identical to Jakarta, Ondel-ondel, Lenong, Si Pitung, Egg crust, and Jams. For the latter, it now seems to be a culture that most people stuck in Jakarta than any other culture eroded out of date. Imagine, almost all points in Jakarta traffic now familiar with the congestion. Starting from the center point of Jakarta Semanggi Fly Over at Sudirman, until the road did not escape, even the rats tangled traffic jam. The fact was confirmed by data Jawa Transport Department, noted in 46 areas prone intersection point of 100 jammed in Jakarta with the definition of vulnerable traffic flow is unstable, low speed and long lines. There are some things that later became the scapegoat of bad debt, the first discrepancy between the number of road vehicles with a proportionate amount of 10:5%. Until the end of 2007, the number of motor vehicles in Jakarta about 5.7 million units, with 98% are private vehicles, and the remaining 2% of public transport. While a long way in Jakarta, only 7650 km with an area of 40.1 km2 road, and a long growth path 0.01% per year. Governor Fauzi Bowo said the number of private vehicles on the road Jakarta that reached 700,000 units per day, became the main source of congestion. In addition, compared to other cities of Jakarta is a city in the fastest growth in the number of vehicles by 11% with the dominance of two-wheeled vehicles. In fact, he said, means street in Jakarta that only 7% of the entire area with one-layer system, of course not able to accommodate the number of vehicles in the same time. Finally, in the rush hour, traffic jams in various unruly streets. Compared with the city of Tokyo which has a broad road reaches 17% of the total area of its territory, with the concept of five layers of the road. So can imagine how many more years of traffic Jakarta would like the Japanese capital. "This adds complications control system that we do," said Fauzi Bowo. In addition to citizens of Jakarta, traffic jams exacerbated by the commuters from the city around Jakarta who worked in Jakarta every day. Last year, estimated at about 600,000 vehicles from commuter Bodetabek into Jakarta every day and come packed the streets of the capital. The second problem posed by stagnant number of construction projects in the road. Special Jakarta, infrastructure development projects that often lead to congestion that is building accessibility utilities such as fly over, excavation and construction of transportation facilities such as the busway and monorail stalled until now. Of the three projects busway corridors VIII (Lebak Bulus Harmony), IX (Pinang Ranti-Pluit) and X (Cililitan-Tanjung Priok), noted the potential for congestion at the bus stop 33 point delayed the development. Whereas if the monorail back construction begins, the potential for congestion on 30 points will increase. Statistical data, not yet added to the agenda of this year construction DKI also potentially hampered due terlunta big-budget disbursements luntanya. For example, the construction of Fly Over or bridge that Latuharhari this year budgeted Rp40 billion in the construction of Phase II. Another stagnation which causes a severe traffic jam in Jakarta the repair of roads damaged Jakarta. Each year, dejavu this problem happen again. This is because of road repair budget in Jakarta, including the regular budget. As a result, every year fund road improvements must wait for lower budget which again suffered a similar fate with the condition of the road itself, aka standstill. Based on data from the Public Works Department DKI Jakarta, Banten road damage from flooding and rain early in reaching 456,300 square meters, or 1.17% of the area of road DKI. Damage consists of 15,427 square meters busway lane and the remaining 440,873 square meters of regular channels. Based on data from Traffic Management Center (TMC), damaged roads in Jakarta have reached the 120 point hole. Last year, damage to roads in the capital reached 1.06 percent, or reached 414,000 square meters. Ideally, according to the head of the Office of Public Works Jawa Whisnu Subagya, maintenance of roads in Jakarta need funds Rp280 billion per year. This year, the administration proposes funding budget Rp54 billion in 2008 to repair damaged roads, but only Rp27 billion approved by Parliament, while the remainder diverted to repair the road at the local level (municipalities). Because the budget is late, then from April 2008 completion target, the new total improvement could begin in May 2008 yesterday. Previous road improvements carried out in stages by the Department of Public Works Jawa by using acceleration fund budget. The third factor congestion, because the switching function of the road into a parking lot, the terminal shadow, motorcycle taxi base and trading places. According to the Head of Transport Department Nurrachman DKI Jakarta, at least 140 shadow terminal locations in Jakarta, with each of 30 locations in Central Jakarta, North Jakarta 32 locations, 17 locations in West Jakarta South Jakarta 28 locations and 33 locations of East Jakarta. While the number of illegal parking is estimated that more than five times the number of terminals in Jakarta shadow. The proliferation of illegal public facilities, generally proportional to the surrounding business activities. The higher mobility of the region's business, the parking appears wild. Some areas are famous for wild parking area culinary tour of al sites Sabang street, night tours Attorney road, along Benhil area, and the point transfer mobility vehicles in the UKI Cawang. However, for street vendors and asongan, jams it into an opportunity of increasing their income, which they deliberately borer presence. Call it street vendors block A land diseputaran Abang, who every day more and more numbers. Despite continued control of routine, but they seemed reluctant to leave the place which is regarded as one of the gold mines of the vendors were. As a result, more and more chaotic kemacetanpun. Regulatory bottlenecks Bring congestion in the city of Jakarta was not as difficult as eliminating them. Over the years this capital city authorities tried to cope, many years was also a failure to re-picked. Since the city of Batavia was led by Ali Sadikin diera 70s, transportation experts have mentioned the traffic would handcuff Jakarta. Then began a series of projects carried out including the construction of physical facilities and improvement of Jakarta, which is now known as the MH Thamrin street. In addition, the concept of mass transportation modes started sounded. Until the era of leadership, Fauzi Bowo and Prijanto today, a series of scenarios continued. Starting from the realization of mass transportation modes, implementation of vehicle-free day (car free day) of each end of the month, socialization bike to work programs, and increased traffic discipline. However, again these measures has not yet produced satisfactory results. In fact, reducing the vehicle through increased motor vehicle taxes and BBNKB still can not stop the inflow of vehicles in Jakarta. This year, the planned increase BBNKB DPP PKB and the set up 5% of the selling points of lalupun vehicle, believed to be unable to stop the Nurrachman Jakarta residents to buy cars for reasons of prestige. "Although vehicle tax rise every year, the number of private vehicles continue to grow," he stated. While efforts to bring order terminal shadow, wild park and street vendors are not easy to just do. "Please review and canalization. Because of them originated from the small and wide, "the reason Vice Governor of Jakarta Prijanto. Latest reorganization of the administration taken to overcome the causes of traffic that is padlocked the tires of cars parked any. Regular weekly agenda is also not shown significant results as they are not applied simultaneously dilima Banten region. Any improvement programs are often regarded as a seasonal activity, and traffic kedisplinan regarded as rules could be violated as long as compromising. Traffic signs as if only to decorate the road must be obeyed only when the officer on guard. Whether it is related to Indonesian culture known as the country of corruption so that the enforcement of discipline that should berlalulintas concerning the safety and lives could be compromised by seseorangpun money. As a result, sanctions ticket easily deflected by gobanan bills Finally, quoted Governor of DKI Jakarta, regulation alone was not sufficient in reducing the level of congestion in Jakarta. "It takes coordination and awareness for us all," he asserted. Well, common sense is needed to realize traffic is not a trivial problem. Stuck is a very harmful. As a result losses have reached Rp12, 8 trillion per year or disagree Rp7, 79 trillion from this year's budget Jawa. These losses, including loss of health due to emissions produced by motor vehicles. Based on 2006 WHO study, the air quality in Jakarta was ranked third worst in the world after Mexico City and Bangkok, with nearly 100% of Jakarta has the highest pollution index dilevel dust particles between 200-300. As a result, citizens of Jakarta threatened disease of respiratory tract infections (ARI), asthma, lung cancer, and lead the children in Jakarta prone to have a low IQ (squat). More than that, if the circumstances of transport in the capital continued to be left, urban transportation experts estimate the 2014 Jakarta traffic will experience stagnation. So What should we do?
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