Plan of DKI Jakarta Provincial Government speed up the development stages Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) to be able to operate by 2016 is a step forward for the next 7 years. Only need to analyze carefully the problem of what will happen to the future traffic congestion although MRT project is completed implemented. Region of Jakarta has a broad 740,280,000 M2 or 74,028 ha with the total population in 2008 may have reached nearly 10 million people. If the Open Space Hijau (RTH) is still valid at the 40% level, each hectare of land in inhabited by no less than 225 inhabitants.
Size of traffic is available only 4000 ha, while the number of vehicles in Jakarta may have been the end of 2008 reached 6.5 million units with 98% of this amount is a personal vehicle. Density can be the traffic that will occur if 70% of private vehicles out of the house every day, the area of 2675 Ha (70%) the surface of the road will be closed to private vehicles, this is not including public vehicles and vehicles that come from outside Jakarta. Data above give a clear picture even if DKI Jakarta MRT project will operate in 2016, Jakarta and the surrounding congestion will not recover optimally. If at the end of 2007 the number of vehicles in Jakarta more than 5.7 million units, then in the year 2016 that number will continue to increase may be approximately 7.5 million units, a result of traffic congestion will always be problems that are never finished. This condition is as a direct result of operational activities by the Central Government of the Republic of Indonesia based in Jakarta (35 Office and the Department of the Ministry of Non-Jakarta). The higher the rate of the economy and development in the country the higher the level of human traffic that deal and stay in Jakarta. To support the MRT project which will operate by 2016.
Central Government needs to make a breakthrough and the firm that is a MEGA PROJECT. MEGA PROJECT goal is to relocate the Ministry Office to enter each Province in Indonesia. MEGA PROJECT This will provide three positive things that the first traffic jam in the capital of Jakarta Metropolitan no longer, the second is where the Equity Development is sixty-three years old be expected by this nation will be realized and can be seen and felt by the people directly and the third is a realization that the real NKRI will remain strong and stand upright.
Although the implementation of the program MEGA PROJECT is very expensive and even demand the sacrifice is big enough, where almost 30 units of RI Office of the Ministry of Government must be built new, including all civil servants, the Ministry concerned should be transferred to each Province.
However, to achieve a large goal required a big sacrifice, here is a thought about the implementation of MEGA PROJECT: Polkam Indonesian Coordinating Minister, Coordinating Minister Ekuin RI, Indonesian Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare, Minister of Domestic Affairs, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Minister of Defense RI, RI Minister of State Secretary, Secretary to the Minister of Cabinet Affairs in the Province of Jakarta, Minister of State Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia in Papua Province, Minister of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries - West Papua Province, Minister of Energy & Mineral Resources RI - Central Kalimantan Province, Minister of Industry of Indonesia - South Sulawesi Province, Minister of Forestry of Indonesia - East Kalimantan Province, the Ministry of Agriculture RI - West Kalimantan, Minister of Regional Development Acceleration Tertinggal RI - West Nusa Tenggara Province, the Ministry of Social Affairs - Province of North Maluku Province, the Minister of National Education RI - Province Special Region of Yogyakarta, the Minister of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia - Maluku Province, the Ministry of Manpower - Lampung Province, the Minister of Law and Human Rights RI - Central Java Province, the Ministry of Culture & Tourism Republic of Indonesia - Bali Province, Minister of Research & Technology of the Republic of Indonesia - South Sumatra Province, the Ministry of Cooperatives SME & RI - West Sumatra Province, the Minister Pendayagunaan apparatus RI - Riau Province, the Minister of Transportation RI - Nangro Aceh Darussalam Province, the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia - North Sumatra Province, the Minister for Women Affairs, Bengkulu Province, Minister of Religious Affairs - Southeast Sulawesi Province, the Minister Public Housing RI - East Java Province, the Minister of Environment of Indonesia - Bengkulu Province, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia - West Java province, the Ministry of Communications & Information RI - North Sulawesi Province, Minister of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia - Nusa Tenggara Timur, the Minister of BUMN RI - Province Bangka Belitung. Implementation MEGA PROJECT, if possible, have a good idea if the government requested the assistance of employers in each Province. It is very possible for the entrepreneurs together to build the Minister Office Building. Perhaps, thought this too ambitious but this is one way to reduce the burden on the government. Contribution by employers will result in Equity Sustainable Development across the archipelago insight.
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