Saturday, September 26, 2009

ARD Germany Trend
SPD candidate for chancellor Stein Meier wins in the last ARD Germany trend back before the election sympathies, but is far behind Chancellor Merkel. According to the Sunday question, an alliance of black and yellow would come to 49 percent.
Small gifts will receive the voice
Final push in the federal election campaign: In the remaining days, the parties will give their all to convince potential voters. With arguments and small gifts. From candy and lipstick to flip-flops is all there.
Federal Council approves law school fruit A daily ration of fruit and vegetables - for school I want to provide free soon: The Federal Council today approved the law school fruit. Shred service instead of chocolate kisses - a Dortmunder primary makes it even before now. Scandal in Bonn's city council
Scandal in Bonn City Council: In connection with the fraud case at the Bonn Convention Center has asked the majority in the Council Mayor Dieckmann (SPD) on Thursday to resign. But the decision is not binding - Dieckmann remains.
DNA analysis can not rest for offenders
Nine years after the fact, that opens today in Dusseldorf, the trial of the suspected murderer of a millionaire's widow. Because DNA analysis may be getting better, could be reopened in the news recently seemingly unsolvable cases.
Harald Schmidt: The Sayings of 17.09.09
A boring election? Not with Harald Schmidt! None was spared in his new mission "Harald Schmidt" on 17.09.09. For Dieter Althaus Schmidt has a new interesting job, and for the scraps a new variant. Loriot Exhibition in Bonn
He loves pugs, teaches the correct pronunciations of yodeling, and brings the noodle in the face for generations to laugh at. An exhibition at the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn starting tomorrow, looks back on the life work of Loriot.
WDR 3 Hörertag
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About WDR 3, you can now ask the editor: For a day editors are on the phone to answer questions. Inquisitive can also ask questions online. Effort and bloom: the Wochenquiz
Once again, we can bloom in Wochenquiz our imagination. However, you will be able to answer our ten questions about the events of the last seven days safely with ease. Get involved! As the price this time beckoning one WDR.de webcam.
Child and Youth Prize 2009 Exhibition
How to make family life easier, better and better? With blankets, stuffed animals and toys with learning. That means at least the industry. The exhibition "Children and Youth" shows new and unusual. Process beginning at scandal hospital
After a few minutes on Thursday at the District Court Mönchengladbach been postponed, the process for the scandal-Clinic Wegberg. The reason was a challenge for bias, must now decide on another chamber only.
High telephone charges in Bad Driburger health clinics Call! Me! An! - Anyone who enters into a dating hotline, knows that the phone calls are expensive. Who's calling the other hand, relatives or acquaintances in Bath Driburger health clinics, does not expect - and must choose to but a 0180-5-number. Green prohibition of alcohol consumption
A balmy summer evening, a cold beer and sit comfortably in the park - perfect for many of the closing time. But not for a woman and two men from winning. The public order imposed on them green ban - due to alcohol consumption.
Friday, September 25, 2009

Frankly as a member of my congregation HKBP really proud of these writings. Even today HKBP no longer exist only in Sumatra but have spread throughout the archipelago beloved land. In the nineties HKBP was 'go-international', so is not wrong if Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid to release in a speech at the National Conference HKBP I, 2000 in JCC Jakarta, he said in Indonesia only there are 3 (three) large Social Organization, the first is the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah second and the third was HKBP. He also added as jokingly (though in reality this) he said do not see HKBP a small social organization they have great asset everywhere in Indonesia.
By the second statement I tried flashback about two very important events first is the day of born HKBP 148 years ago October 7, 1861, and the second is HKBP became an independent church from 10-11 July 1940. Conscious or not, these two events is a historical fact that God declared amid HKBP life and existence in this world, so it is not redundant if the two events would never lost from memory but will always color the life anytime and anywhere. The reason, HKBP presence has lifted the lives of all HKBP and including those who are in the environment of a broad expanse of mud above the solid rock, that's a fact that will never be forgotten from HKBP life and Batak people in general.
At the beginning of this XXI century, which we call proper post-modern and will have already addressed the various challenges that each Individual, Group, Organization Political, Religious Organizations, Churches, etc., and it felt very varied and of course that the character, classification and weight each of the challenges that will follow the rhythm of treatment sharp global competition through the development and implementation of science and technology at the time. Because of, as one entity, an independent social organization, what ourselves HKBP have to prepare for the facing challenges and also need to be remembered, that will be questioned by each of the HKBP is not the age or years of independence HKBP, or the number of member HKBP and greatness HKBP.
Greeting or a question to be ejected is the "extent" HKBP was prepared to develop the history of 145 years ago and the obligations and responsibilities that must be shouldered how HKBP as Independent Church 66 years ago, I saw that the content of questions and demands that must be answered without bargaining, of course, how will HKBP could exist and survive" in the era of this millennium-3.
Vision-Mission as a Church HKBP an inclusive, dialogical, open, high-quality (meaning a very deep) and realize the Vision-Mission HKBP we need to look back whether 'platform' which we already have now been located in the right position, if not HKBP be important to make "adjustment". Reading what has been running especially after the implementation AP-HKBP-2002, there are some things that need urgent attention to re-evaluate in order to take a more appropriate solution.
Through Synod 2004, according to the AP-HKBP the new leader has been selected namely Ephorus, Secretary General, Head of the Department of Koinonia, Marturia Department Head, Head of the Department of Diakonia, including 26 Praeses and since then the leadership ranks HKBP already working in accordance ' job 'respectively. In line with the AP-HKBP, the new HKBP respective district, ressort, and Huria new board election was conducted well, but felt or not felt, I have seen there are 3 (three) important things to get attention:
(1) With the new organization according to AP-HKBP chapter 26-4.3, 173 pages bhs Indonesia, there clearly express and implied that control the current HKBP will only be fully determined by 5 (five) persons who called the Leadership HKBP, thus each policy or strategic decisions in HKBP fairly determined by 5 (five) persons only, or even by 3 (three) persons in case of 'voting' in LEADERS MEETING (notes Synod held only once every four years or at the end of the period of the Chairman HKBP ) means Synod serve only listen the Progress Report by the Honest Leadership and comment on it, then do HKBP leadership elections next period. When in the mechanism of strategic policy-making process will only be determined and decided by 5 (five) or even 3 (three) people who have HKBP congregation nearly 3.5 million people, it's such conditions would be placed HKBP later be in a position 'high -risk ', because in reality there is no more' check and balance 'as played by the Central Council before. As a general picture which we all know, in a company that only has the number of members / employees over 50 people only, there (in organization) no longer have the element but the Board of Directors will be equipped with the Board of Commissioners, the reason is that travel companies can be controlled and continuously controlled by the company's goals. Seeing this condition, the position of the Central Council of the Synod 2004 (AP-new HKBP) officially abolished, it is important to re-held in HKBP Organizational Structure. (2) With the new organization structure, I read that the central administrative and operational secretarial HKBP no longer exists at the Secretariat General, as before, but each Ministry (Koinonia, Marturia, Diakonia) will form his own Sekretariatan, this may complicate future HKBP particularly strategic documents HKBP (original documents) will be scattered and no one in charge. Because of this condition also requires HKBP back to the old organization and the Secretary General of Ephorus with the Central Council in a position 'central board' and the Ministry of Koinonia, Marturia, and Diakonia in the operational position. (3) The Organization Structure (new), the position or positions Huria Teachers no longer exist (the task is handled directly by Uluan Huria), this condition reminds me of a teacher before Huria functioning almost as a "general affairs manager 'but now This is all have to be paid solely by ULUAN Huria (whether it was a pastor or not), what it all means 'in the system HKBP services' has been a real shift was not needed, the task should be centralized Pastor of the ministry, has become focused on services and general administrative nature, it also provides an important indication that HKBP Huria Teacher position we have now returned to their duties and responsibilities as before. 2. TASK LEADER (JOBDES) Task Leader HKBP from Ephorus, Secretary General, Ministry of Koinonia, the Department and the Department Marturia Diakonia was clearly explained (AP-10 Bindu HKBP Article 11, Article 12, Article 13, Article 14 and Article 15), but at the Meeting HKBP (according to AP-HKBP chapter 26-4.3, 173 pages bhs Indonesia) stated there is a strategic task 14 according to my observation that barely have a relationship with the primary task of leadership HKBP (Ephorus, Secretary General, Head of the Department of Koinonia, Head of Department Marturia, Head of the Department Diakonia) below is a description HKBP Meeting with the task or LEADER MEETING AGENDA as follows: 1) To discuss and plan efforts to implement the tasks of management 2) Thinking and determine the formation of the bureaus, sections, and foundations in accordance with their needs. 3) To discuss and implement suggestions from the Great Synod, Synod Assembly Worker, HKBP Audit Agency, and Agency for Research Development HKBP 4) Discuss and determine the mutation maid service and full-time in HKBP 5) Talking about the preparations for the Great Synod, Synod Assembly Worker, Praeses Meetings, and Meeting Pastor. 6) Select and assign Organizer Board of Education administrators HKBP accordance with the Basic Education Policy HKBP. 7) Selecting members of the Audit Board HKBP, members HKBP Enterprises, and members of the commission. 8) Select the General Treasurer HKBP 9) Selects Head of Research and Development HKBP 10) Leading and Running a general attitude HKBP set by the Synod General Synod and Assembly Workers 11) To consider and give permission to the ministry full-time maid in HKBP to work outside HKBP, and sent his servants to serve HKBP in ecumenical agencies. 12) Watching the institutions of theological education in HKBP, and institutions of public education HKBP 13) To give consideration to improving education institutions HKBP 14) Establish a ministry of the Praeses. The question now is' sudahkah the MAIN AGENDA 14th Meeting of the Leaders HKBP have described the attachment as well as fore HKBP MAP SERVICE VISION-MISSION match it? "VISION" ... HKBP evolved into an inclusive church, dialogue, and OPEN, and able and vigorous development of quality of life in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, along with everyone else in the global community, especially the Christian community, for the glory of God the almighty Father. "MISSION" ... HKBP trying to improve the quality of all citizens, especially citizens HKBP, through church services of quality to be able to carry out the mandate of the Lord Jesus in all his conduct personal life, family life, and life with all human societies at the local level and national, regional and in facing global challenges the 21st century. if I may speak honestly, that the main task in the 14th Meeting HKBP as stipulated in the AP-HKBP not yet touched to what is contained in VISION-MISSION HKBP as an inclusive church, dialogue, openness and quality services. Why do I say "yet"? Because based on job description can be seen more than 57% energy and thought leaders will be depleted HKBP only to take care personnel (mutation, placement servants, jodes, etc.). Why this condition occurs and can only be found today, AP-HKBP whether we use these "before" had not been discussed, debated and discussed first in each ressort, District, Praeses, and in the Assembly Center? The answer is 'obviously already discussed, debated and discussed', and even in the highest meeting of the Synod GODANG HKBP through HKBP day Friday, October 4, 2002, AP-HKBP formally defined and approved, then what should the future or HKBP we do? AP-HKBP that although the implementation of the new January 1, 2004 amendment was necessary in order to achieve an inclusive church, dialogue, open and quality. Because, if we survive without a 'amendment AP-HKBP' then HKBP be farther from VISION-MISSION his own. 3. ENHANCING QUALITY OF SERVICE Talking about improving the quality of service we will carry over into a question "what is wrong with the quality of service in HKBP" may be the answer to this question will not be the same because each individual has a perception of different, from nearly 3.5 million members of the Church HKBP be divided into 4 (four) categories: (1) Group 'A' answer, the service was far HKBP declined from previous years, especially when compared with age-Nommensen. (2) Golongan ’B’ menjawab, sebenarnya pelayanan di HKBP akan semakin baik jika HKBP tidak monotone (3) Group 'C' answer, service in HKBP (Koinonia, Marturia, Diakonia) has worked well only to increase with the new breakthroughs are still adjusting to the order HKBP own (4) Group 'D' said, the growth of services in HKBP since 1861 till now shows significant progress, only the current problem (especially) in the big cities have many members HKBP following other services in Church membership, although still in HKBP Whatever is illustrated by the above four classes of service condition in HKBP today, surely we need sikapi carefully and honestly, therefore all have the same goal of how to HKBP increasingly providing "quality services". If "we" all want a quality service, it must be a church HKBP Inclusive, dialogue, Open. as stated in the Vision-Mission HKBP. Rev. Willem TP Simarmata, MA, Secretary-General stated in his writings HKBP HKBP realizing the Open and the dialogue is not a 'post biblical development', but an essential thing. Openness is not a church that is added later, but something inherent in itself. Essentially very clear, namely: God is open to any and all people. Therefore the church must be open to life, open to science and technology and open in the future. If the disclosure is (open to life, open to science and technology and open in the future), is a must for the church (HKBP), is certainly his servants (Pastor, Teacher Huria, Bibelvrow, deaconesses, Sintua, Evangelicals) should also become an open and dialogical. With an open attitude (can be seen and can see, acknowledge weaknesses, focused on talent-potential-power) and dialogue (discussion open, accommodating, willing-to change), it will be in HKBP terlahirlah servants (HR) quality in the field 'leadership', preaching ministry, the PA ministry, pastoral ministry, ministry of social deacon. Now the question is what is expressed in addition to the above (in relation to improving the quality of service) is there any other factors that have not thought of HKBP? I look at the history HKBP (universal), that HKBP attention to "human needs" to his servants is felt less, HKBP always look and stare will 'duties and responsibilities' of a Pastor, Teacher Huria, Bibelvrow, deaconesses who always had to do their job as appropriate (meaning: although 'udan-haba-haba "/ rain accompanied by a tornado a servant of God despite the lack of umbrellas had to leave to do their job), what would happen if skope HKBP still thinking that way? Will the quality of service can be a servant of God as 'salary' can only be received after passing a month? Or could it be God's servant to work, serve the maximum while the child was seriously ill and did not have the cost to treat? Or can HKBP requires dedication and high loyalty from a servant of God on his retirement while he only received Rp 200,000 - Rp 500,000 per month? What will be done HKBP on such conditions? HKBP think it's time to focus again how to level the waiter HKBP kesejahtraan can be reasonable. The question is whether this increase in welfare HKBP servants has not been touched by HKBP? Indeed, HKBP Endowment Fund program was run in HKBP since March 1, 2000 with SK No.286/L08/III/2000 HKBP Ephorus who then approved / ratified at Synod 2000 GODANG HKBP is intended to improve the waiter kesejahtraan HKBP, only the fact there, although this program still continues today, but the attention HKBP to run almost getting to sleep. Therefore while HKBP Program Endowment Fund was able to walk in place is a good idea of 'we' move again enter the respective Huria. More detailed explanation of the Endowment Fund Program HKBP we can read in the Almanac HKBP 2007 page 400. CLOSING "Therefore I believe you: What do you pray and ask, believe that you have received, then it shall be given unto you" (Mark 11: 24) Believe, that the release of all things in the kingdom of God. That's how we open the lines of the power of God. Most of us know about it. Therefore, the need to "we" note with that, makes the task of Inclusive Church, dialogue, open with a quality service is not light, but no matter how hard and complex task, as the Church of God there is no other way that the task must be shouldered, implemented and accounted for , "we" Believe that everything will be fulfilled through the Holy Spirit and the inclusion of Faithful Love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Batak people are known as "Bangso" (nation), why ..? In the past already has his own kingdom, Mardebata Mulajadi Nabolon ( "mighty creator"), a Batak script letter, and have never had the money exchange rate ringgit Batak ( "Ringgit Sitio Voice"), uning-uningan namarragam ( "music"), have Indigenous Culture, and has a law.
But now has become the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, Toba Batak people and even many who do not already know the language of its own, see today's technological developments, tor-tor Batak are many who do not know, even today Ulos Batak unknown types and function.
Now we want to talk specially about ULOS (ulos is made by hand non machine), we wish to socialize Types and Functions Ulos Batak:
I. ULOS ANTAK ANTAK, wear scarves parents mourn the dead, and used as a cloth wrapped around / hohop hohop time manortor (dance) event.
II. ULOS BINTANG MARATUR, this ULOS is the most useful in the events: Awarded to a child who enters a new home by parents, if this Ulos Toba diadat given time 7 Months Pregnant safety by parents, but it is different if in this Ulos Tarutung given time the joy ( "happy"), this Ulos Pahompu also given to the newborn, although most love parompa especially mangiring the point that a newborn child accompanied by a subsequent child, then this ulos pahompu used for the baptized and also used for a scarf.
III. ULOS BOLEAN, Ulos was used as a scarf on grief events.
IV. ULOS MANGIRING, this Ulos used scarves, ropes, this Ulos also given to children and grandchildren, especially newborn first child is meant as a symbol accompanied by a desire to have children sianak so on, even Ulos can be used as Parompa.
V. ULOS PADANG URSA, used as ropes and scarves.
VI. ULOS PINAN LOBU LOBU, used as a scarf.
VII. ULOS PINUCAAN, Ulos is actually comprised of five parts which are woven separately and then combined neatly to the shape of the utility Ulos include: Ulos can be used various occasions purposes sorrow or joy, in a traditional ceremony this ulos used / carried by the Kings and the Indigenous Peoples Ordinary meet guidelines for example, at weddings or ceremonies suhut sihabolonon / Hasuhutonlah ( "master houses ") who use this ulos, then at a big party in the event marpaniaran, ulos is also used / ridden as a fabric / hohop by hohop-hasuhuton family, and this Ulos Ulos Marriage Passamot at the event.
VIII. ULOS RAGI HOTANG, Ulos usually given to the bride and groom called Ulos Hela (son in law).
IX. ULOS RAGI HUTING, this Ulos is now rarely used, said the parents era before independence, the girls wear this Huting Yeast Ulos as everyday clothes chest wound (Hoba-hoba), and then used as a scarf parents when travel.
X. Ulos Sibolang Rasta Pamontari, this Ulos if earlier times used for grief and joy, but in today's virtually sibolang mourning symbol, also used as Ulos Saput (who died adults who do not have a grandchild), and used as Ulos Tujung (Widow / widower who has not had a grandchild), and then on the event this Ulos sorrow most widely used by close family.
XI. Sibunga Umbasang and XI.Ulos Ulos Simpar, used as a scarf.
XII. Ulos Sitolu Tuho, Ulos was used as a headband or scarf women.
XIII. Ulos-suri Suri Ganjang, used as-Hande Hande margondang time, and used as by the Hula-hula to manggabe i borunya therefore also called Ulos gabe-gabe.
XIV. Ulos Yeast Harangan, use the same Pakko Yeast.
XV. Ulos Simarinjam side, used as a cloth, and is also equipped with Pinuncaan Ulos girded with traditional equipment Panjoloani the Batak as one person put it up front.
XVI. Yeast ulos Pakko, used as a blanket in the past and the introduction of women are from rich families take two yeast for the blankets that are used everyday, and if it was also the old died later after going awash Yeast wear plus other disebit Ulos Yeast because it colors Pakko black like Pakko.
XVII. Ulos Tumtuman, used as ropes that pattern and use the first child of hasuhutan.
XVIII. Ulos tutur-tutur, used as the ropes and as-Hande Hande often given by parents as Parompa to his grandson. Thus the type and function of this Ulos, called the introduction of identity according to the Batak culture and ancestral lands, and known from the Batak people who disandangnya Ulos, even from Tortornya sian na Tungkot. HORAS (Long Life)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Both countries moved to allay concerns of a trade war. But the row over Washington's decision to impose added duties on Chinese-made tires showed no signs of abating, as Beijing said the U.S. move sent the wrong message to the rest of the world.
"This certainly won't benefit ordinary Americans, and the bigger damage is to economic and trade cooperation between our two countries," said vice foreign minister He Yafe. "That's something the U.S. needs to seriously consider," He said, adding that any friction should be handled "calmly."
The tire duty was the first time Washington has applied special "safeguard" provisions Beijing agreed to before joining the World Trade Organization in 2001.
Safeguards can be invoked if a surge in imports is found to have hurt U.S. manufacturers. Once invoked on a product, they can be applied by other countries.
"We mainly think that it's an abuse of safeguard measures," China's commerce ministry spokesman Yao Jian told reporters.
"It is sending a wrong message to the world under the current situation that the global financial crisis is still spreading."
China said it wanted consultations with the United States over the duties, a preliminary step toward seeking a WTO ruling.
Yao rejected U.S. claims that a surge in imports has hurt American industry and jobs, saying Chinese shipments had fallen off and globalization meant barriers to Chinese imports would not guarantee U.S. jobs.
Chinese statistics show tire exports to the United States rose by 2 percent in 2008, and fell by more than 15 percent in the first half of 2009, Yao said.
"Under these circumstances, the conclusion that China's exports are distorting the U.S. market does not stand," Yao said, noting that U.S. tire manufacturers had not joined the complaint, which was brought by the United Steelworkers union.
The United Steelworkers union said a tripling of Chinese tire imports from 2004 to 2008 had cost more than 5,000 U.S. jobs.
The U.S. trade deficit with China totaled $103 billion in the first half of 2009, down 13 percent from last year, but it has grown considerably over the last decade. The imbalance is a source of much ire in Washington.
The two countries have vowed to cooperate in trying to revive global economic growth, but the new trade friction could spill into next week's G20 summit in Pittsburgh.
Zhang Hanlin, head of the China Institute for WTO Studies in Beijing, said U.S. tire makers were suffering from a drop in demand due to the economic crisis, not Chinese competition.
Chinese car makers and auto parts makers could become increasingly competitive in export markets, as their capacity exceeds domestic demand. That could threaten the traditional manufacturing base of European and American auto firms, many of whom initially invested in China to benefit from Chinese growth.
Of the tires exported from China, 68 percent were from foreign-invested plants, Yao said.
U.S. President Barack Obama said that if the United States didn't enforce the rules that were contained in its trade agreements, "then it's very hard to have credibility." But he added he was sure a trade war could be averted.
"I'm not surprised that China's upset about it," Obama told CNBC television. "But keep in mind we have a huge economic relationship with China. But I just want to make sure that if we actually have rules written down, they mean something."
China has so far shown no signs that the trade disagreements would spill into other issues of international cooperation, such as North Korean or Iranian nuclear negotiations.
China has launched its own investigation into chicken parts and automotive imports from the United States. It says the U.S. products targeted by Beijing's anti-dumping inquiries are roughly equal in value to China's tire exports to the United States -- about $2 billion a year.
"Outwardly, China's response will be restrained, but in its bones the anger will persist," said Guan Anping, a trade lawyer in Beijing who formerly worked as a trade official.
"China will use small acts to convey its anger, but the message will be clear."
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Effective resolution reform should limit the discretionary use of public funds," Richmond Federal Reserve President Jeffrey Lacker told the Charlotte area chapter of the Risk Management Association in prepared remarks.
"The real lesson from Lehman, in my view, is that officials should make a clear commitment about what institutions they will not support," said Lacker, who is a voting member of the U.S. central bank's policy-setting committee this year.
President Barack Obama said earlier on Monday that the country could not go back to the reckless behavior and unchecked excess of the past in a speech on Wall Street to mark the one-year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
Slideshow: The World's Safest Banks
The Obama administration proposes major regulatory changes to give the Fed responsibility for overseeing the most systemically key financial firms, create a financial services consumer watchdog and make failing firms easier to wind down.
"Our plan would put the cost of a firm's failures on those who own its stock and loaned it money," Obama said.
The failure of investment bank Lehman sparked a global crisis and inflicted the worst U.S. recession since the Great Depression, forcing the Fed to cut interest rates to almost zero and flood financial markets with hundreds of billions of dollars to keep them open.
Lacker said that Obama's plans for resolution authority aimed at providing a less disruptive alternative to bankruptcy filing, with the hope that such an authority could credibly be expected to impose appropriate losses on the creditors of a big firm that got into trouble and had to be wound down.
"The description of this proposed resolution authority leaves it unclear how it would establish such a credible commitment," Lacker said.
"Uncertainty about whether such an authority will intervene to supersede the provisions of bankruptcy law and which creditors will benefit from public funds is likely to intensify financial market turmoil in the event stresses arise," he said.
One way to clarify the situation is to strictly limit the ability of the U.S. central bank to lend under special powers contained in article 13.3 of the Federal Reserve Act if it deems circumstances to be "unusual and exigent".
"I would favor revisions that specify more clearly the circumstances in which the Fed can extend such credit and forms that such credit can take," Lacker said, adding that he would also limit this assistance to just a few days.
Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Many already know, even many of the world knew his name. Sisingamangaraja, King of the Batak. He put in laws, customs, arrangement with the concept that enhanced anesthetic. He uphold human rights, freeing people from the stocks, giving a pardon to those who repent of error.
Born in Spear-Sulu Sulu Bakkara. A beautiful place, a valley on the banks of Lake Toba is crossed by rivers and Aek Aek Simangira Cross meeting in Lobu Onan. The first royal palace was built around Onan Lobu. There is still found signs of history and Hariara Parjuragatan Stone Hundulan. Then the Palace was built over the upstream later called Lumbanraja.
Lumbanraja had become one of the village, but now it dirobah village name became Village Simamora. Gone historical aspect that there was once a village called King Sisingamangaraja Lumbanraja. Efforts to eliminate any Sisingamangaraja royal legend continues. Palace complex and diserobot by residents reluctant to leave. Award for the sanctity of the palace was also removed. Not only by local residents, the family unit was difficult Sinsingamangaraja derivative combined. Often different opinion.
The government tried to build the palace. Master Plan was drawn up. Families and communities who still appreciate and respect Sisingamangaraja also been agreed. Tata empire karma must be met. But what happens, the building was built so long as the government. Within one year there is a collapse, some of which threatened the rest of collapse. Rehabilitation funds were pursued, the results still do not meet the sacred quality of the building is expected during the preparation of the master plan. Why?
Derivative Siraja Oloan first showed the power of the court to deny the sacred complex. They built a monument of Oloan Siraja before "Sogit" which should be free Sisingamangaraja lead sunrise. In the former Sisingamangaraja sogit pray to Mulajadi Nabolon. There's bird emblem "Patiaraja" on it.
With the monument in front of him like Siraja Oloan "sibongbong ari" blocking the sun sogit welcome.
Siraja Oloan is included Sinambela family clan. Sinambela is a family surname Bona Ni termasuh Onan. Bona Ni Onan is a lower "external" Manghuntal King, King Sisingamangaraja I and, respectively to 12 dynasties. If the nearest thicket "hasuhuton" royal functionary Sisingamangaraja disregard the sanctity of worship and the King's palace complex Sisingamangaraja, then who else?
Bakkara, seems not to give space to the preservation of historical value Sisingamangaraja. But respect for the people outside Batak Siraja Oloan and outside Bakkara to Sisingamangaraja, will still be there. When the transfer of the bones of Tarutung Sisingamangaraja XII for example, Balige very response and provide Soposurung location. When monument Lopian heroine, the daughter Sisingamangaraja XII will be built, the community and provide a response Porsea location in front of Head Office Porsea. Although finally known, some families do not agree it Sisingamangaraja Lopian statue placed in Porsea.
Lumbanraja village has a village dirobah Simamora. Palace complex becomes a conservation project orientation juntrungannya unclear. Residents and descendants are still reluctant Sisinganamngaraja adjust to the system of existing space. New buildings appeared without the knowledge of the family. New grave in front of the new building disesakkan court facilities. Worse, the sense of the word "rundut" like "jambulan ni parsigira".
Bakkara currently there is no remaining shred leaves the wisdom of history indicates there used to be darisana Sakti which King is Sisingamangaraja Sohor. There are only dirt and stone, and marked, here and there. Residents do not have more value history, tradition and royal etiquette.
No wonder, when the hobo "wonder" why the palace complex was left as musical arena project and personal claims?
Sisingamangaraja XII already know the end of former struggle. Before doing guerrilla into the wilderness, was given the mandate to Sionom Ompu (adat six of the six clans in Bakkara) with care goods royal heritage. Themselves and their families should be King Sisingamangaraja be "stakeholders" Sisingamangaraja tradition. What Sionom Ompu reaction? Of course, the family unit must be seen Sisingamangaraja king. Direction and purpose to the restoration carried Sisingamangaraja Palace family. They should be in front of "manghobasi" lavatory start implementing it. The government only supports, and support from the community are more likely again.
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

But he also said in a nationally broadcast interview that things are "dramatically different" now, although it's too early to say the economy is in recovery.
"A year ago we really were on the verge of a full-sale run" on banks, along the lines of the 1930s Depression, Geithner said in an interview broadcast on ABC's "Good Morning America." He said "the biggest fear now, the biggest challenge, is to make sure we change the rules of the game so it doesn't happen again."
Asked about projections of a $1.6 trillion deficit and a growing U.S. debt obligation to other countries, Geithner said the Obama administration still wants to avoid an increase in income taxes on the middle class. The secretary noted Barack Obama's pledge against such a hike during his presidential campaign and said Obama remains "very committed" to it.
He also said it was too early to say just when the government might let allow expiration of an emergency lending program for financial institutions (TARP) and said he also didn't know how soon Washington could extricate itself from direct involvement in the auto industry, although he said it likely won't be within a year.
Geithner said the administration cannot suggest any guarantee of financial stability, but said "what we have an obligation to do is to put that in place here and around the world. ... That's our obligation."
He acknowledged that to a large degree, Washington's intervention in the private markets hasn't gone over well with large elements of the public and said "the government had to do some deeply offensive things to undo the damage. ... But we're going to get out of this as soon as possible."
On the budget deficits, Geithner said, "I think Americans understand we have an unsustainable fiscal position. We have to bring these deficits down over time." He said the country must "get our fiscal house in order" and stressed that Obama is vehemently opposed to a general income tax increase for people who make under $250,000 a year.
The secretary said that while things are better than they were a year ago, "I would say there's no recovery yet. We define recovery ... as people back to work, people able to get a job again, businesses investing again ..and we're not at that point."
"We're going to do what it takes to get this economy going again," he said. "We're going to look carefully at any sensible program."
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jakarta (SIB)
National Police Chief Gen Bambang Hendarso Danuri (BHD) confirmed Noordin M Top had been killed. "Yes, yes, yes," said Chief of Police, when asked whether one of the dead is Noordin M Top in the Presidential Palace, Jl Medan Merdeka Utara, Jakarta, Thursday (17 / 9). BHD said that after reporting the police raids in Solo to President SBY. BHD who wore police uniforms look sumringah. To smile always.
"Do not need to wait for DNA results before?" Cecar reporters. "Yeah later found at the Police Headquarters," said BHD. Police Facing SBY at the Palace
General of Police Chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri (BHD) arrived at the State Palace at around 14:30 pm. BHD reported to SBY about 4 terrorist killing raided in Solo, Central Java. BHD arrived wearing full police uniform accompanied by several aides. When asked by journalists, BHD did not answer a word. He immediately went to the Istana Negara, Jl Veteran, Jakarta, Thursday (17 / 9).
BHD's arrival to the Palace is not scheduled. Press and Media Bureau of the Presidential Palace today was just an agenda of meetings with Foreign Minister of Malaysia and buka puasa together Palace reporters.
5 names of arrested terrorist suspects & Death
Police managed membekuk 5 terrorist suspects at a house in Solo, Central Java. 4 people were killed and 1 wounded. "This is the greatness of God at the end of this Ramadan. We've got a terrorist suspect, "said General Bambang Hendarso Danuri (BHD) in a press conference in his office, Jalan Trunojoyo, South Jakarta, Thursday (17 / 9).
The fourth person who died is Good Urwah aka Budi Pranoto, Susilo aka Adib, Ario Sudarso aka Aji and Noordin M Top. "This is not over because there is still a suspect who has not caught," said BHD. While one woman who is the wife of Susilo, Munawaroh arrested. Condition of the pregnant woman was seriously injured. "Now there is the RS police," said BHD.
Noordin shot dead, Not Blowing Self
Terrorist leader Noordin M Top killed by police gunfire. Not because vests blew themselves up with bombs.
"They managed to disable it were not for us to blow away," said National Police Chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri (BHD). According BHD, during a shootout, over and over 88 personnel Satgasus ask the terrorists to surrender, but the warning was ignored. The terrorists are shooting at police and continued to shout heroically refused to give up. The police had to act decisively.
"There was shooting, they managed to stifle us," explained BHD. Make sure Kabareskrim's Fingerprint Matching
National Police Chief Pol Gen Bambang Hendarso Danuri was sure if Noordin M Top dead. The same thing was delivered Kabareskrim Pol Komjen Police Headquarters Susno Duaji. He saw through a fingerprint test match.
"Yes of course fingerprints can be seen how many percent," explained Susno in Sukamto Police Hospital, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta. But for the more certainly longer wait for DNA tests conducted on the bodies confirmed Noordin. "It'll be tested for DNA," he added. Police: Fingerprint Test, Identical with 14 points Noordin M Top National Police Chief Gen Bambang Hendarso Danuri ensure leader Noordin M Top terrorist killed in raid densus 88 in Solo, Central Java. "Praise God he is keberasaran was Noordin M Top," BHD said. BHD said fingerprints from the tests conducted there were 14 point fingerprint similarities that can be accounted for. "The test results showed the corpse's fingerprints are identical to the DPO 9 years we made our target to catch," said BHD. Noordin is suspected that the man Activate bomb vest, Head Apart The body is allegedly destroyed Noordin M Top, head separated from his body. The possibility of Noordin's suspected suicide bomber detonated while surrounded densus 88.
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